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11 November 2020
Virtual Market Visit by members of the Water Council USA to The Water Campus


The webinar is the starting point of the virtual market visit of American companies working in the field of watertechnology. During the webinar the two organising water clusters (Water Alliance and Water Council) will welcome the participants, after which Water Campus, the North of the Netherlands as region and the dutch water topics are presented. Last but not least, the american companies will pitch their technology and their cooperation ideas.

Important: The webinar will not take place in the B2match platform. A separate link will be send to you by email!

Programme of 1 hour and 30 minutes

15:30 – 17:00 (NL) | 08:30 – 10:00 (Wisconsin)

- 5 minutes welcome and opening

by the Water Council and the Water Alliance

- 10 minutes (5 - 15 min.) presentation Water Campus including short movie

by Hein Molenkamp, Managing Director Water Alliance. 

- 15 minutes (15 - 30 min.) What do the NOM and the North of the Netherlands have to offer?

by Alex Berhitu, Business Developer NOM               

- 10 minutes (30- 40 min.) general water technology market overview Netherlands

by Harro Brons, int. business development manager Water Alliance

- 30 minutes (40 - 1hr 10 min.) Pitches American companies.

- 10 minutes Q&A (1 hr 10 - 1 hr 20 min.)

- 10 minutes closing remarks and explanation B2match (1 hr 20 - 1 hr 30 min.)

Closed since 20 November 2020
Organised by
United States 12
Netherlands 9
Brazil 1
Total 22
Profile views
Before event 140
After event 3
Total 143